In light of how she's
inspired me, I've decided to join in (albeit a little late - hey, I can catch up) on Ann Voskamp's
2012 Joy Dare. The mission? To list 1000 gifts in a year (3/day). I also have a goal to take more pictures and have been contemplating the 365 photo challenge (taking a picture a day) for a couple years now. Since I LOVE efficiency, what better than to combine the two?
Today's Dare was to find three gifts, all outside. Here are mine:
Morning visitors (a herd of deer.), not to mention another beautiful sunrise. |
Plenty of wood to keep our house warm. The mercury is going to dip tonight. |
Squeals of delight. |
And an extra to help me catch up:
A flock of Common Redpolls (?) that passed through Jan. 20, 2012. |
Tomorrow's Dare: 3 gifts red. Join me, won't you?
Beautiful pictures!